The Shining by Stephen King

 I really like this book! It's also a really good pick for any bookclub since there's definitely a lot to unpack with this one. Of course, there's the movie, but there is also a mini series based on the book. The mini series follows the book pretty closely, so I would check that out, too, if I were you. Stephen King has also said that this book is slightly autobiographical so that's a very interesting insight into his personal life and struggles. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or standalone: #1 in the Shining duology 

Genre: Horror, Thriller, Psychological horror, Gothic fiction

Tropes: Good vs. Evil, Holy Family, Chekhov's gun, psychic abilities, haunted hotel, Snowed in, Corruption

Things I liked: I LOVED Hallorann in the book! I need them to make a new movie closer to the book with Idris Elba playing him cause hes amazing and handsome in my mind while I was reading this book. Also heres a picture of Idris so you can see what I was picturing. 

Things I disliked: This is more a general thing about how the Shining movie gives the book a bad rap. The book is VERY different from the movie. Definitely read the book if you liked or hated the movie cause I'm like 90% sure you will like the book more. 

Audiobook or Physical? The audiobook is really good! Campbell Scott really adds a lot to the mood of the novel with his narration! 

If any animals are abused, die, or are killed in this book: Dog gets kicked into gutter, which seemed like it died to me. A bunch of wasps die, which I'm not sure anyone will lose sleep over, but they are an animal, so I wanted to mention it. 

Extras: Multiple POV's, This was King's 3rd novel to get published, so he wasn't just writing to pay the rent, and we really see his writing gain depth in this novel.
