Rose Madder by Stephen King


This was a book that I was really into, I can't remember the last time I was actively so engrossed in a book. I needed to know what happened next! If you like books with strong women who escape a horrible situation and all kinds of chaos happen as a result, you will love this. It's also perfect for a book club pick since there's so much symbolism, mythology, and real-life subjects touched on it that make for a really rich discussion. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: Standalone 

Genre: Fantasy, Thriller

Tropes: Magical Realism, Survivor, Women supporting women, Mythology, Dirty Cop, Domestic Abuse

Things I liked: I loved this book! Magical realism at its best! There's a bunch of symbolism throughout the book that just gives the reader so much to unpack and admire. This is a really good book club book for discussion. 

I liked Rose. She was so interesting as well as a complex character, I'm always amazed how well King can write from the female perspective. 

A lot of the supporting characters were amazing, King also did an amazing job of utilizing every single character that he introduced. 

Things I disliked: I found the ending a little annoying, I felt like Rose's character was made weaker at the end. The ending overall could have been way stronger and clearer. 

Audiobook or Physical? Audiobook was pretty good. It's a little dated, however, for me, which added to the charm of the book. The music when we transitioned between POV's seemed like it was more of a trend for audiobooks at the time.

Extras: Switches POV between Rose and Norman mostly but with a few others in there as well. 
