Circe by Madeline Miller Book Club Discussion Questions


I have included some official questions from the back of the paperback edition of Circe by Madeline Miller, so credit of those goes to the wonderful people who included a reading group guide in that edition. Please remember that these are all just suggestions for discussion questions feel free to leave out certain questions or include more of your own in your own bookclub. My hope is that this will help other bookclub hosts out there. I know it's a lot of work coming up with compelling questions to ask your group so I want to help! 

Chapters 1 through 5

1. Perse, Circe's mother was forbidden to have more children with Helios who would give her amber beads for each child of his she bore. This was the only time Circe said she ever saw her cry, what do you think of her mother? 

2. The person who ends up naming Circe is an unnamed Aunt, who leaves when she realizes she can't gain favor with Circe's parents by taking care of her. How do you think this effected, Circe's development?

3. Her two siblings are very mean spirited, making fun of anyone who shows weakness before them, why do you think they target Circe so much? Are they jealous? 

4. Helios is a Titan, who saw the world when it was created, Circe spends a lot of her time trailing after him, do you think he notices her attention? Or just assumes this is a right of his to be noticed by all. 

5. How does Circe's encounter with Prometheus change her? How do you think this will effect her future actions and choices? 

6. Circe is very close with Aeëtes at first why do you think hes choses to leave without even telling her before hand? 

7. We have heard descriptions of the immortals that Circe's lives with a sees on special occasions. When she first meets mortals, at her sisters wedding she is unimpressed, given the descriptions her family gave of humans this is not surprising. However do you think the immortals perceptions are so skewed they don't really see the mortals as they really are? Or do they see within them? 

8. When Circe starts meeting with Glaucos these are her first interactions with a human, do you think shes really in love with him? 

9. Do you think Glaucos is deserving of Circe's attention and love?

10. Pharmaka is a tool Circe starts to use, do you think shes the one determining what the transformations are or are the herbs just reveling the true form of things like that are said to? 


Chapters 6 through 11

1. Scylla is turned into a monster, and no one seems to care or be concered. In fact, everyone seems excited to have something new to gossip about. Do you think this is why a lot of the immortals are so cruel, since they know no one would spare them any kindness? 

2. Circe admits to her father in front of everyone that she has been the one to turn Glucose into a god and Scylla into a monster. Why do you think she confessed so publicly? 

3. Aeetes comes back to revel that the union of Helios and Perse has made Witches. Helios then goes to Zeus and they reach an agreement. Circe is exiled to a deserted island, do you think a punishment was necessary? 

4. Circe is taken to her new home and left there without any goodbyes. Did you think this was cruel? Or to be expected?

5. Her new home is enchanted a, testiment to Helios pride. That even a banished one of their kind still lives better than even the lowlest of gods under Zeus. What did you think of her new house and of the island it was set on?

6. Circe starts practicing her magic all of which she must learn on her own, she discovers what the limits of her powers are, the most powerful one is still transformation however the true natures of the things she transforms don't disappear. What did you think of some of her first spells? 

7. The first visitor to Aiaia is Hermes! What did you think of him? What did we think of him and Circe as a couple? 

8. Now that we know this island is the one that Helios proved his loyalty to Zeus over by killing another Titan do you think its a coincidence that Helios put Circe on this particular island? 

9. Daedalus comes to Circe's island to give her a brief respite from her exile, her sister Pasiphaë has need of her and of course she askes that they pass by Scylla's strait. What did you think of Circe's first encounter with Scylla after her transformation? 

10. When they arrive, they immediately go to Pasiphaë who is in labor, were you surprised that Daedalus was the one who was forced to cut open his queen? What about the creature that she gave birth to, we know from legends she creates this monster but what did you think of the baby? 

11. Circe keeps discovering powers, she seems to also have the power of prophecy, did this new power surprise you?

12. Has our opinion of Pasiphaë change after Circe's visit to Crete? 

13. How does Circe's time with Daedalus effect her? 


Chapter 12 through 17 

1. Once Circe returns to her island, it starts to sink in the finality of her exile. She will never see more of the world. What did you think when, she realized the golden cage she was in? 

2. Circe seems to be thinking of her sister Pasiphaë more, who she even imagines conversations with. What did you think of this?

3. Circe learns the rest of the Minatours story. Do you think Circe could/would have changed anything if she was there? 

4. What did you think of the rite that Circe did to cleanse the miasma from Medea and Jason? Isn't it odd that there are strict rules to protect those who have done such crimes?

5. What did you think of Medea and Jason? 

6. Circe learns much about her brothers from Medea's visit and even sees Aeëtes briefly. Why do you think her brothers are like this now? Why do you think the brothers are so close these days? 

7. Circe tells us that she recognizes parts of herself in Medea. In what ways are the two women similar? In what ways are they different? 

8. Lesser gods start sending their daughters to serve a penance on Aiaia. Why do you think this started so much later when the immortals could have been sending their daughters this whole time? 

9. Circe is host to about twenty men who landed on her island. They are tame until they learn she is alone here. What do you think it says about these men that they would defile a host in such a way? Especially since hospitality is such a sacred rite among Greeks. 

10. Now, when men come to her island, Circe turns most men into pigs right away. What do you think of this? 

11. Odysseus has finally come to the island just like Hermes said he would. What did you think of the deal he strikes with Circe to get back his men?

12. Odysseus shares many stories of the war, what did you think of the stories from his point of view? 

13. Why did Odysseus want to stay for the winter? Even though he was so eager to leave at first. 

14. Why do you think they made Circe deliver the prophecy to Odysseus? 


Chapters 18 through 23

1. Circe has a really rough pregnancy and birth. Why do you think her experiences were so different from what other nymphs go through? 

2. After a time, Circe can tell a god is after her childs life. What did you think when we discovered which god, were you surprised which God it was?

3. Were you impressed that Circe did stand up to Athena? 

4. Telegonus would rage and scream as a baby until he was about three. Why do you think he was so upset? Do you think someone cursed him to be so difficult? 

5. Telegonus seems to be good with other people and eventually wishes to leave the island, do you think the fact that they are mortal/immortal added to this misunderstanding? 

6. What do we think of Telegonus so far? 

7. What is the significance of Circe's meeting with Trygon? How does it impact her emotional journey? 

8. We discover what prophecy Athena had feared. Were you surprised that Telegonus was the one to kill Odysseus? 

9. Now Penelope and Telemachus are realities on Circe's island. What do you think it's like for her to see this side of Odysseus's life? 

10. Telemachus tells the story of why they needed to leave Ithaca. What did you think of the tale?

11. There are numerous references to crafts throughout the book, including weaving, carpentry, and metalworking. What role does craft play in Circe's story? 

12. Circe is curious about Penelope from the moment she hears about her from Odysseus. What draws her to Penelope? Does this change over time? 

13. Does it seem odd that the Penelope and Telegonus seem more similar to each other? Also, Telemachus and Circe are also similar to each other. Why do you think this is? Or do you think they aren't similar at all? 

14. Hermes comes with a message for Telemachus. However, Penelope and Telemachus haven't mended their rift yet. Do you think three days will be enough time for them?


Chapters 24 through 27 

1. Were you surprised when Telemachus refused Athena's offer? 

2. Were you surprised that Athena made the same offer to his brother? Even tho she had tried to kill him as a babe. 

3. Would you have taken Athena up on her offer? 

4. Circe encounters several famous figures from Greek myth. Were any of their portrayals surprising? 

5. How does Circe's relationship with her father change over the course of the book? What did you think of their final conversation?

6. We see numerous powerful characters abusing their positions throughout the book. Are power and abuse necesscarily connected? Do we see any examples of power without cruelty in the book?

7. Circe is finally able to destory Scylla. Why do you think we always come back to this deed of hers? 

8. Circe is finally able to open up to someone about her past. What do you think of her choice of Telemachus? 

9. What do you think of Penelope being the new witch of Aiaia? 

10. What do you think of Circe's final transformation? 
