Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price

 If you are looking for a really fun twist on a classic, this one is extremely well executed! I loved it so much that I'm really excited to read all the rest in this series. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: #1 of Jane Austen Murder Mystery series

Genre: Mystery, Historical Romance 

Tropes: Who dun it, Retelling, Strong Women, Love Conquers All, Enemies at First Sight

Things I liked: For me, this really rang true with the spirit of the original Pride and Prejudice. I felt all the characters' personalities came through perfectly. Even though I knew the original, this one didn't follow it perfectly, so I was surprised in a good way!

Things I disliked: I honestly wish it had been longer, I would have gladly read 300 more pages. It is not super historically accurate. However, the story the author wanted to tell wouldn't have been possible if it had been more historically accurate. 

Audiobook or Physical? I have a physical copy that I won through my library! I'm glad I read it this way, too. I was able to picture all the characters, and they had the same voices in my head as the 1995 mini series of Pride and Prejudice! 

Extras: Lizzie's POV
