Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell

 I honestly didn't think that I could love this series anymore than I already did! However, Rainbow Rowell brings up some heavy questions in a fun and dangerous road trip adventure. This is very well written, I found myself laughing and then hurting for each of the characters. I'm glad there's a 3rd book, or else I would riot. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: #2 in Simon Snow series

Genre: Urban Fantasy 

Tropes: There is no going back, Commnication is everything, Who Am I Now?, Loneliness effects everyone, Road Trip, Fishes Out of Water 

Things I liked: It was really interesting to see the magical side of America! I wish they had explored more of the country. The addition of Shepard was *chef's kiss* perfect and helped move the plot along! I was also happy that we got a lot more of Penny's perspective in this book. 

Things I disliked: I know the road trip for them was very long, but I needed them to travel everywhere in America. 

Audiobook or Physical? Audiobook was once again amazing! The perspectives shift quickly, but it's pretty easy to tell who's talking cause the narrator Euan Morton gives each character a unique voice. 

Good Quote: "The Odyssey was totally a road trip" -Simon Snow 

Extras: Multiple POV's 
