Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice Bookclub Discussion Questions


       The Book Detectives are at it again! Our own Character Coroner Sia picked her first bookclub book! She chose Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice which is one of my personal favorites, I've actually have read all 13 books in the series! Again these questions are just suggestions feel free to use any or none of them for your bookclub. I'm just trying to help other hosts out there since I know coming up with questions can be time consuming. 

Pages 1 through 40 

1. What do you think of Anne Rice's choice to tell the story in an interview format? 

2.  Why do you think Louis spends so much time talking about his brother at the beginning? Could he think that his brother deserved to be a vampire more than him? 

3. Anne Rice's vampires aren't like the classic ones, instead she created a more modern vampire. Monsters/myths in cultures grow with technology, what do you think future monsters like vampires will be like? 

4.Now that we know vampires do exist in this universe do you think Louis brother was truly having visions sent by God? 

5. Bleeding someone was a very routine "treatment" during this time, why was this so ironic given the changes we know Louis was going thru?

6. What do you think would stand out to you as your last moment as a mortal? Louis remembers his last sunrise, an ordinary occurence turned extraordinary by the situation why do you think it was the sunrise for him? What do you think this says about Louis?

7. Louis describes Lestat as cruel at times, however Lestat's name is the first to be mentioned in the story. Why do you think he mentioned Lestat's name first and not his own? How come we don't know the mortal boys name yet? 

8. What did you think as Louis describes the steps to him becoming a full vampire, why do you think he included the killing of the overseer? 

9. While Louis describes his first kill, he also describes Lestat's failing to make this experience meaningful. It seems Louis feels so much more deeply about these experiences even now, what do you think this shows/ explains about Louis? 

10. While Lestat is disliked by Louis we also see that he chooses to take care of his blind father. What does this revel about Lestat's character? Do you think Louis is a reliable narrator? 

11. Are you surprised by how often the vampires interact with mortals? What do you think of their interactions? 


Pages 41 thru 95

1. Louis says that Lestat loved young men as a great triumph when hunting because they represented the greatest loss of potential. Why do you think Lestat saw a young man as his greatest triumph when he went hunting? 

2. The poetic way Anne Rice describes New Orleans is captivating, does she revel some personal attitude towards the place? 

3. We see here what being a vampire was to both of them. What did the whole affair with Freniere revel about the two vampires? What did being a vampire mean to them?

4. Louis drinks only animal blood, does this make him better than the other vampires in a moral way or does it not matter since he still taking lives?

5. Louis revels himself to Babette giving her advice since her brother was now dead. Were you impressed by his bravery to do this given the personal risk for Louis? 

6. The scene with Lestat's father dying is intense who do you feel the most sympathy for in this scene and why? 

7. Babette ends up talking to Louis before him and Lestat flee Louisiana for New Orleans. Babette will be changed by these events, but how do you think they will change her? Do you think Louis stopping Lestat from killing her was actually a mercy? 

8. Lestat discusses with Louis that he ignores his vampire nature and holds on to his mortal tendrils. Do you agree with Lestat that Louis is flawed and that this is dangerousfor them both? 

9. If Louis reguarly drank human blood do you think he could have resisted drinking the small girl and creating Claudia? Or were the circumstances of Pointe du Lac burning and Babette too distracting so it would have happened anyways? 

10. Do you think Lestat turned Claudia as a way to keep Louis under his thumb? Or was it because the opportunity to do so hadn't passed yet?


Pages 96 thru 140

1. Why is the interviewer so shocked about a "child vampire"? What do you think of Louis and the interviewers' interactions so far? Are they getting closer? 

2. What do you think of the roles that Lestat and Louis take in Claudia's life? Are you surprised they started taking care of her right away? 

3. Do you think Claudia is a strange vampire like Louis says? For years, she clings to Louis but then starts to separate from him slowly. However, she seems to waver since it seems to hurt Louis deeply. Do you think this is because she is a woman or because she was turned so young? 

4. Do you think Claudia started to aggrivate Lestat so she could get more honest answers from him? 

5. Are you surprised by how long it takes for Claudia to ask about her origins? Does her hate surprise you?

6.Who or what would you turn into a vampire if you were a vampire capable of turning others into vampires?

7. Louis flaw of being too human is mentioned again, but this time by Claudia. Do you think she's right when she says she's his vampire nature personified? 

8. Claudia is determined to kill Lestat, why is Louis so against the idea? He even goes as far as persuading her not to attempt it. What did you think of Claudia's method of killing Lestat?

9.When Lestat is starting to feel the poison thats in the blood of the boy he calls out for Louis. Most people cry out for someone dear to them in their final moments, do you think Louis is now dear to Lestat? 

10. Louis describes himself as a mindless accomplice, do you agree with this statement? Or is he simply too in love with either to go against what they want? 

11. Claudia mentions that she thinks Lestat killed the vampire that created him, just how strong do you think Lestat is?


Pages 141 thru 184

1. When Louis is talking about the Great Adventure of their lives now that Lestat is gone, do you think its possible to have adventures without the risks? Since vampires are undead, how can they live when their existence is the opposite of mortality? 

2. Louis turns back to the church after Lestat's death. However, he realizes that he is the only magic or preternatural force here, that God and his mercy don't exist. Do you think his actions here show this? Or do you think this visit and vision meant something else entirely? 

3. Do you like the verbosiness of Anne Rice's writing? Why or why not? 

4. Louis describes the musician as frantic, desperate, and even sees that the boy has the bite marks on his neck. Lestat turned the musician into a vampire. Do you think he was planning on leaving Claudia and Louis? Or was he just adding more chaos to their little family? 

5. Lestat comes back and attacked Claudia and Louis before they can leave for Europe. We're you surprised by the viciousness that Claudia again reveals while fighting them? 

6.Lestat seemed almost fully healed, before their fight, do you think healing is a unique ability to Lestat? Or is it that hard to kill all vampires? Do you think more traditional methods would have worked better to kill Lestat? 

7. We get to part 2 do you think it starts in a good place? Or how would you have broken up the book? 

8. While Claudia becomes obsessed with finding other vampires, Louis dreads meeting other vampires, mostly he fears what answers they will reveal to them. However do you think its likely that other vampires will welcome them? Or will they avoid these two newcomers? 

9. When Claudia and Louis arrive at a small village in Europe they seem to be dealing with a local vampire. Morgan shares that they plan on desecrating his wifes body to make sure she doesn't rise from the grave. What did you think of the sudden shift of environment, from big city to little village.


Pages 185 thru 226

1. We witness an Old World vampire, what is being said about the Old vs New World Vampires like Claudia and Louis? What did you think of their encounter with this Old World vampire?

2. Louis refuses to make any new vampires, however Claudia wants him to. Why do you think he can't do it? Will this end up being another one of his more human traits that is broken down with time? 

3. Without Lestat to be a common annoyance to both Claudia and Louis we see more of their dynamics with each other. What do you think has been revealed of their relationship? 

4. Why is Louis so obsessed with Paris? What about Paris appeals to him so much? 

5. This book has many beautiful verses and lines, find a quote to share with the group! Be ready to share why you like it so much. 

7. How has Claudia changed since coming to Paris? 

8. Why do you think the vampire in the alley was copying everything Louis was doing including his appearance? 

9. What do you think of the reactions to the Theatre des Vampires from both Louis and Claudia? Would you accept an invitation to such an event?


Page 227 thru 276

1. Louis and Armand discuss evil, Satan, and God. Did you agree with the point Armand was making, or do we actually agree more with Louis on this one?

2. This group seems to have a weird confomity that they all follow, dressing like the night, staying together in a big group with guards. They claim this is to keep them safe. Do you agree this is safer? Or would them splitting up and living how we have seen Louis and Claudia live work better? 

3. What does Louis find so irresistible about Armand? 

4. The only crime among vampires is to kill another of their kind. Since Claudia has committed this sin, what do you think her fate will be? 

5. Armand demonstrates a few new powers we haven't seen in other vampires before. Why do you think he has more abilities than anyone else? 

6. The scene with the man painting Louis, and Louis shock at seeing his own expression as so human and innocent. Why was this so impactful to Louis? 

7. Louis and Claudia have a fight over whether or not to turn the mortal Madeline into a vampire? Who do you agree with more in this fight? Who do you have more sympathy for? 

8. Madeline is turned and Louis claims his last visage of humanity is gone. Do you agree with him? What do you think of Madeline? 


Pages 277 thru 342

1. Armand tells Louis that most vampires die by everything changing so much around them they just don't want to live anymore. Do you think this is true? Or was what Louis said true that they die through violence, especially since we have seen evidence of violence? 

2. Armand's reason for wanting Louis by his side is also self preservation, do you believe this to be love? 

3. Lestat returns! He wants revenge on Claudia and has teamed up with the Théâtre des Vampires to do it. He also wants Louis to be with him once again, why do you think he wants Louis so much? Why won't the vampires listen to Lestat? 

4. Claudia and Madeline are dead, burned to ashes, who do you feel the most sympathy for in the aftermath? 

5. Does Louis gain your respect with his choice to take action?

6. Armand had a big hand in the success of Louis plan, do you find it concerning that Armand can just let these vampires he had lived with die? That there was no remorse or grief on his end? 

7. Louis describes his nomad life with Armand almost as an after thought, which leads up to his returning to New Orleans. Why do you think Amand waited to tell Louis about Lestat surviving? Was is really to spare Louis or to keep Louis by his side longer?

8. When Louis returns to New Orleans he finds Lestat again. The state in which Lestat was when Louis first sees him is alarming. What did you think of their reunion?

9. What did you think of the interviewer at the end? His last encounter with Louis was very intense. 
