Fairy Tale by Stephen King


I really wish King would write a few more novels outside of his horror genre. He's such an amazing storyteller. I think he could write some truely magical epics and even romances. If you like fantasy, this will be a really refreshing read, especially if you are a King fan as well. It's perfect for a Christmas read, magic, quests, and coming home. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: Standalone

Genre: Fantasy

Tropes: Heros Journey, Coming of Age, Many Fairytale references, Dead Mom, Alcoholic Dad, Precious Puppy, Name that should not be spoken, Names have power, Elderly Benefactor 

Things I liked: I loved finding all the little fairytale references. There were so many, and they were well used in moving the story forward. Of course, I loved Radar, I can totally understand going through hell and back for a pet, I would do almost anything to get a few more years with Count Chocula. As almost obvious as this statement will be, I think Stephen King has truly created a fairy tale that with time, people will worship. 

Things I disliked: There were some parts that could have been a bit quicker plot wise when he's in Deep Maleen, the recovery, and before he leaves. I respect these choices that were made. I think some of this was to make the story real. Life can be tedious and doesn't move at the pace we want it to.

Audiobook or Physical? The audiobook was really amazing! It had the same narrator who did Later by Stephen King, and I absolutely loved that book. 

Good Quotes: "You never know where the trapdoors are in your life, do you."

"There's a dark well in everyone, I think, and it never goes dry. But you drink from it at your peril. That water is poison. "

Extras: Charlie's POV
