Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala discussion questions

 Book Detectives are at is again! With the help of our ForenFic Analysis Brenda chose this read! It's a fun YA novel and a nice little break from some more intense reads. 


Chapters 1 through 6

1. When we meet Raphael he is rushing into a convention with his best friend. He is so anxious and needs to do a billions more things, was there ever a time you experienced somethings similar to our protagonists day? Do you think winning his mothers approval and sponsorship is worth all this chaos?

2. Have you ever been to a convention? Did you dress up? Imagine reading this book as someone whos a boomer for example, this would be very out there for them. 

3. May Wu seems like a super supportive friend! What did you think of her willingness to wear such an elaborate cosplay for her friend?

4. Have you ever had an ex or anyone steal an idea from you? 

5. Raffy has a fun crafting stream! Would you watch his show? If you had a stream what would you do on it? And if you do have a stream is there any other ways you want to branch out? 

6. The cosplay competition at this convention is pretty intense, 4 costumes in 2 days is a lot of work. Since its suppose to be a team competition how do you feel about Raff doing most of the work? Do you think it would have been possible for Luca and Raff to do the competition together still? Since it seems they were planning to for awhile. 

7. Luca and Raffy have their meet cute at Craft Club! What did you think of the encounter? Was it sweet or creepy?

8. If you were one of the judges who Raff and May had to impress would you have been impressed by their outfits based on their descriptions? Would the fact that Raff did almost all the work on the costumes bother you like it did the judges in the book? 

9. How do you feel about Raff and Luca becoming a couple based on what we have seen so far of these two?

10. Does the split time line work? Do you think its adding to the story by jumping between the past and current events? Or is it distracting?

Chapters 7 through 13

1. Do you think the way Raffy breaks down most of his cosplays to reuse the parts is odd? What do you normally do with projects you get done with? 

2. Inaya dismisses Raffy's claim that his idea was stolen from him. Do you believe Luca should have tried harder to make sure Raffy had approved the ideas usage?

3. Luca and Raffy kiss after Raffy makes Luca a new shirt in his workshop. Do you find this romantic? 4. Do you think its fair that Luca and Raffy both get a pass from their public fight because they scored so high in the competition? 

5. Raffy is teaching Luca how to craft but he tends to fix Luca's work afterwards not telling him he did so. Luca seems to be distracting Raffy from his work, do you think this is a sustainable relationship for them both?

6. Raffy keeps saying that Luca is trying to turn him into someone else. Do you think this is true? 

7. Raffy's mom comes home suddenly and tells Raffy hes going to be meeting with a friend of hers in New York. Do you think this should have been more a conversation? Why do you think these two are so bad a communicating?

8. Why is Luca upset that Raffy won't let him meet Evie? Especially since Rafft could never meet Luca's parents.

9. In Chapter 13 we see a bit of the friendship dynamics between May and Raffy, how would you describe their friendship?

Chapter 14 thru 19

1. What did you think of Raffy and the others tricking Luca into coming to Controverse? Was it sweet? Or possibly overstepping?

2. Evie is calling Raffy which seems odd, she doesn't normally seem very interested in what hes doing. Do you think its understandable that this threw him off so much? 

3. Since most of us are millennials was Raffy correct in assuming we would know his costumes?

4. We get a glimpse of how Evie talks about her son to other people, what did we learn from this? 

5. Luca wants to do a cosplay with Raffy, however Raffy finds it hard to balance what he can and can't share about their relationship, how would you feel in Raffy's shoes? 

6. What do you think of the new and final crafting challenge? 12 hours to make a new cosplay together? Is this a good test of skills?

7. Raffy says he loves Luca, Luca is relieved because he thought Raffy was barely toleranting him, why do they have such a miscommunication?

8. Luca and Raffy are going to do the final competition together, are you excited to see them working together again?

9. Do you thinj Evie is right saying that cosplaying is just plagiarism? 

Chapters 20 thru 31

1. Luca admits that he came to make sure that Raffy could compete, Raffy was under the impression that Luca and Inaya were dating but they aren't. Inaya didn't even let Luca construct anything, do you think that was fair? 

2. Raffy expresses his frustration trying to work with Luca. Who do you feel more sympathy for in this situation Raffy or Luca?

3. Were you surprised that it was actually Inaya who called Luca for Raffy? Do you think this was to actually help or prohibit Raffy?

4. Luca's parents sit him down and ask him to explain things like cosplay and the shows hes watching. Do you think this was a good parenting move? What did you think of them telling Luca he shouldn't talk to Raffy anymore.

5. What did you think of the final portion of the competition? What stood out to you, and what did you like or dislike?

6. What did you think of the boys break up? 

7. What did you think of Evie's acceptance? Did you think it was too easily given based on what we saw before of their relationship?

8. How did you feel about the ending? Over all how did you feel about the book, would you read it again?  
