Finders Keepers by Stephen King


This book so far is my favorite of the trilogy, I loved the set up of the story a lot. It was really interesting to see everything all fit together once we had solved everything. It was also nice to see so many returing characters. King does a really good job of keeping everything in the universes he creates all related, even tiny details can come up later and are often important. It feels like he rewards readers who are paying close attention. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: #2 in Bill Hodges trilogy 

Genre: Mystery Thriller

Tropes: Buried Treasure, Concidences, Genre Shift, MacGuffin, Obsession, The Gang is Back Together

Things I liked: I really enjoyed the perspective shift to Pete. As someone who was a kid during the 2008 crisis, I was able to relate a lot with Pete. 

I find the book title to be very fitting in many ways, and this makes an avid reader like me very happy. 

Bill and the gang were very Scooby-do with their appearance in this novel.

Things I disliked: Bill isn't as center stage as he should be for a book in his own trilogy. 

Audiobook or Physical? I read the physical book, it was a really good experience. I heard the audiobook was also good, but Morris sounded very creepy. 

Extras: Multiple POV's
