Chapter 1 thru 5
1.The novel begins a year later, has anything really changed since the rebellion started?
2. Why didn't Elend's father use a more sneaky approach to take over the throne? He could have pretended to be coming home to his son then betrayed him, why do you think he didn't take this approach?
3. What do we think of the way Vin treats OreSeur?
4. Who do we think the Watcher is??
5. Vin has described that she drew on the mists before for power, do you think there's a connection between this and the figure she saw formed from the mists?
6. What do you think of Vin and Elend's relationship so far in the book?
7. We visit with Sazed a bit, the people he's visiting ask him why the Lord Ruler abandoned them, why can't people accept that he's really gone?
8. We know the person talking Kwaan in the little sections before the Chapters start, how does it change the impact of the information hes sharing knowing this person right away rather than wondering who he is for most of the book?
9. Kelsier was made a martyr when he died and people see Vin as his Heir, do you think shes worthy of this title?
10. Do you also think it was clever to feed a perfectly fine wolf hound to OreSeur? Or does the whole thing make you sick? Particularly the part where Vin punches the pup and sacrifices it? Is this better or worse than just letting him have one of the mistings she killed?
11. What do you hope the new metals will be able to do??
Chapter 6 thru 10
1. Clubs is back and we learn that he's been general to Elend's army. Does it surprise you that Smokers aren't needed anymore? Is it surprising that it's Clubs who's the general over Ham?
2. Spook is a spy now! What do we think of him now?
3. How does learning that Sazed is a wild man amoung his people make you feel?
4. OreSeur seems to be liking the new body, do you think this has to do with him being able to fulfill his contract better or he's just getting use to the bew body?
5. What did you think of Duralumin effects?
6. Marsh wants Sazed to go back to the Central Dominance, why do you think its Marsh and not anyone else there trying to convince Sazed? Is this because they are such opposites or just that they are the outsiders of the group?
7. Vin seems really concerned about Elend giving up his power? Do you think this is because she didn't have any power for so long?
Chapter 11 thru 13
1. Breeze was under cover as an advisor for Lord Cett, did you think his plan was good to pin the armies against each other to buy Elend sometime?
2. Theres another Kandra in the palace! Who do you think they work for? And who do you think they are disguised as?
3. Sazed used his powers to store some of his weight, as we learn more about his abilities what do you think of them?
4. What did you think of Sazed discovery of the wall of text in Terris written in the Steel Ministry building that him and Marsh checked out?
5. Vin has a hard time learning about kandra's from OreSeur, but we know that kandra's can't use Allomancy. Why were there so many secrets that OreSuer didn't want to reveal?
6. Who's plan would you have followed? Elend's or the groups? Does playing politics make more sense or siding with one force?
7. There's a Terriswoman who wants to speak with Elend alone. What do you think she will want to discuss?
Chapter 14 thru 17
1. Do you think Tindwyl will actually be able to help Elend become a king? Do you think studying the life of past King's is really enough to know how to mentor one?
2. What area would you specialize in if you were a Keeper?
3. Why was there a religion when it wasn't encouraged to be worshipped by the nobles and was forbidden from the skaa?
4. What did Sazed learn about the mists from his visit to that village in Urbene?
5. OreSeur tells Vin that he gets bored. Isn't it surprising that he's the one making an effort to talk more now?
6. Do you agree that Elend should dress more like a general now that his country is at war?
7. Do you agree that trust is the most important thing for a king to earn from his people? Or is there something else he should earn?
8. Where do we think this sparring with Zane will lead Vin?
Chapter 18 thru 21
1. What do we think of Zane? Who's voice is it he's hearing?
2. The Koloss are creatures that the Lord Ruler kept away since they are so violent. Do you think more creatures will continue to appear now that he is gone?
3. Do you think Sazed has changed a lot since the first book? Especially considering how he handled Jastes so skillfully, leaving as a messenger.
4. Do you think Jastes is a fool for having an army of Koloss?
5. Breeze is Soothing Elend's emotions to help him be confident. Do you think this matches Breeze's character to do?
6. Do you think its funny that Vin worries about Elend changing too much and not wanting her when, in fact, the one keeping them from being married/more committed is Vin herself?
7. What did we think of the appearance of Lord Cett's daughter, Allrianne? Will this end up being a good or bad thing for our crew?
8. Are you finding the voice at the beginning of the Chapters interesting still?
Chapters 22 thru 25
1. Vin is being sneaky about figuring out who the kandra is. Do you think this is nesscary, or should she just take a quicker route of asking them to use their powers?
2. We learn the real reason behind Vin's dislike for OreSeur. Do you agree that OreSeur should have broken his contract and saved Kelsier like Vin would have wanted him to?
3. Vin and OreSuer have a heart to heart, where we learn of the origins of the Contract. Do you think that was really their only option of surviving with Allomancers?
4. Tindwyl and Sazed have a conversation right as he returns, discussing how he is a rebel. Were you surprised to learn what the other Terrismen think of Sazed?
5. Zane talks about how Elend is using Vin. Do you agree with his observation? Or is he just projecting his own circumstances onto Vin?
6. Did you enjoy the shopping trip that Tindwyl, Allrianne, Spook and Vin went on?
7. Vin finally speaks to the people rather than running away. Did you like what she said to them?
8. Why was there a skirmish the day before Elend agreed to meet with his father?
Chapter 26 thru 28
1. What did you think of Vin and Elend's conversation in the carriage on the way to meet Straff?
2. How do you think the meeting with Straff went?
3. Zane is also a survivor of Hathsin. Do you think this will make Vin trust him more?
4. Do you respect Elend more now that he wrote a law that could depose the King?
5. What did you think of the rest of the groups reactions to Elend being deposed?
6. Do you think Elend will really have to choose between Vin and his kingdom in the end?
Chapter 29 thru 33
1. OreSeur is concerned about Zane being in Vin's life, even going as far as to say he makes him uncomfortable. Do you think this shows how close they have gotten?
2. What do you think of Kwann the Worldbringer?
3. Sazed seems to want a different life than is expected of him. Do you think he will be able to speak up for himself about this?
4. Vin mentioned that others can't understand her as much as another Mistborn, which to some degree is accurate, but do you really think this is as important as she's making it? Or is the fact that she discovered her powers later a bigger factor?
5. We learn of Tindwyl's past. Did you think it was appropriate for Sazed to share that so openly?
6. Was the last meeting of the Assembly a good example of Elend learning to play politics better?
7. Was Cett's nomination a surprise? Why would they let him stay in the city so easily?
8. OreSeur shares a little about the beliefs of his people, is he right that the prophecies are just hope and metaphors, or could what they predict really happen?
9. Vin thinks that Lord Demoux is the spy. Do you agree with her?
Chapter 34 to 36
1. Do you think it's wise of Elend to have former Obligators as important people in his new kingdom?
2. What did you think of Tindwyl leaving rather than apologizing to Sazed?
3. Zane wants Vin to run away with him so he won't have to kill her. Why is he so hesitant to kill her? Would you be tempted to go with him if you were Vin?
4. What did you think of Cett's meeting with Elend? Do you agree with Cett that he should be king since he understands his own corruption and that being king will just ruin Elend?
5. We briefly get Breeze's POV. Did this make you like or respect Breeze more?
6. Allrianne is an Allomancer. Do you think it's possible she's a Mistborn?
7. Do you think Vin is right that Demoux is not the kandra? Is there more than one kandra that's infiltrated?
8. What did you think of the night meeting of the Church of the Survivor? Where could they have heard the rumors about the yellow sun and blue sky?
Chapter 37 to 40
1. What did you think about Sazed and Tindwyl's discussion? Do you agree with Tindwyl that Sazed could be leading? Why is he so hesitant to defend or stand up for himself?
2. Were you surprised that Tindwyl is going to share her knowledge with the other army leaders?
3. How do we feel about Sazed and Tindwyl's romance?
4. Are arrogance and self-confidence really the same thing like Elend was saying?
5. Do you think Elend joining the Church of the Survivor is really a good move?
6. What did you think of Elend reaction to Vin's fight?
7. Elend didn't win the vote of the assembly. Do you think he will be able to accept that he is not king anymore?
8. Penrod and Straff are working together, basically putting Luthadel back to square one. Will they really be able to deal with everything thats attacking their city?
9. Straff has finally decided that Zane must die. Why do you think he hesitated so long to have him killed?
10. Cett was the one who sent the assassin's to attack the Assembly. Why would he risk his own safety?
11. What did you think of what OreSeur shared about his people?
12. Do you think Vin almost killed OreSeur when she was experimenting with her powers on him?
Chapter 41 to 43
1. Do you agree with Tindwyl that it's odd that Kwan wanted a good leader like Alendi killed? That he sent his own nephew with Alendi to stop him?
2. Elend fears that because he lost his crown, he also has lost Vin's love. Why would he think that?
3. What do you think about Tindwyl continuing to test Elend?
4. Is it true that Elend lost his crown because he's a good man?
5. Is it really possible for Sazed to believe in all the religions that he's studied?
6. Elend is finally making some moves! What do we think of him wanting to keep the citizens warm? And find who's been poisoning food and water?
7. Were we impressed by Elend challenging one of the Koloss when he was in their camp?
8. Vin teams up with Zane to attack Cett's remaining forces in his keep. What do you think stopped Zane from finishing off Cett? Why did Vin so readily agree to team up with Zane?
Chapters 44 to 47
1. Vin's friends start questioning her sanity. Do you think this is out of fear of her recent actions, or have they always thought she was insane?
2. Do we really think Kelsier and Vin are similar?
3. Are religions expressions of hope?
4. Why would someone want to erase that sentence from the work Sazed and Tindwyl were referencing? What significance does "Alendi must not reach the Well of Ascension, for he must not be allowed to take the power for himself" have?
5. What did you think of the advice that Sazed offered Vin and Elend when they came to him separately?
6. Do you think its okay for the older members of the crew to decide for the younger ones that they will be sent away?
7. Zane is rather merciful to his father before he leaves. Why didn't he kill Straff like he always wanted to?
8. Zane is now referring to the voice in his head as God, has his sanity slipped that much more?
9. What did you think of Zane and Vin's last battle? Did she end up saving him in the end?
10. Were you shocked by the reveal that the undercover kandra was OreSeur aka TenSoon all along?
Chapter 48 to End
1. How do we feel about Elend and Vin getting married in the way that they did?
2. Vin and her group easily leave Luthadel. Why didn't they just leave sooner?
3. Allrianne separates from the group immediately. What do you think about what we learn of her once she reunites with her father?
4. Elend executes Jastes. Do you think this was nesscary?
5. Sazed finds courage to fight when he finds out that he is the First Witness to the skaa. Do you think this has such a deep effect on him due to his studies?
6. What did you think of Vin using horseshoes to propel herself back to Luthadel?
7. Whose death was the worst for you to read?
8. What did you think of the changing POV's during the battle with the Koloss, did this add, or was it confusing?
9. Vin can control the koloss. Do you think it took her too long to figure this out?
10. What did you think of the outcome of the war? How Cett fought with Vin against Straff.
11. Elend is still traveling to Luthadel based only on his faith in Vin. Have you ever had so much faith/respect in another person?
12. He meets Terrismen, who are refugees, what did you think of the news that they were attacked by the Steel Inquisitors?
13. How do we feel about the Well being in Luthadel the whole time?
14. How did you feel about the scene where Elend is hurt and so Vin chooses to enter into the Well to possibly save him?
15. What was the point in having Marsh come back at the end to fight with Sazed?
16. Why would they have Sazed lose his faith?
17. What did you think of the thing that Vin released?
18. Elend is a mistborn now. Do you think Vin will turn more of her close friends into mistborns?
19. How did you feel about the ending of the book? Will you be reading the last book and why?
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