Doctor Sleep by Stephen King


Danny was the first and basically only kid so far who Stephen King wrote a sequel for, if you liked the Shining or even just love Stephen King, this book is amazing. Its raw and emotional, this is a perfect example of an author rewarding their fans. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: #2 of Shining series

Genre: Thriller, Paranormal Fiction 

Tropes: It Runs in the Family, Vampires (not the traditional sense but basically same dynamic), Full Circle, Psychic powers, Hiding in Plain Sight, Found Family

Things I liked: It was so interesting to see Danny all grown up! I also liked that his challenges grew with him. I personally think that all the characters reflect an aspect of Danny, so even though Danny isn't the sole person in the spotlight, his issues are still the main topic of the novel. The insight into what AA meetings are like and how that program is run was super enlightening! 

Things I disliked: I did not like the True Knot, I almost wish they had been more traditional vampires. Don't get me wrong, they made a really good villain. They were really scary. I just found it hard to find anything redeemable about them. 

Audiobook or Physical? Audiobook was amazing! Will Patton does an amazing job!

Extras: Multiple POV's (mostly Dan and Abra) 
