Scot Free by Greg Moriarty

 I think this book had a lot of potential, and honestly, maybe this would do better in a different presentation like a show or movie. However, if you like reality tv shows like Big Brother, you will probably find this entertaining. 

My Rating: 2 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: Standalone 

Genre: Thriller, Mystery 

Tropes: Big Brother is always watching, You can't escape your past, Kill or be Killed, Clues, Ratings are everything. 

Things I liked: If this was a movie or show, it would be amazing! This would definitely be keeping me on the edge of my seat. 

Things I disliked: The book needed to be a lot longer. I barely knew any of the characters. It also switched between them so often I was confused for most of the book about who was who, I would have loved to learn more about everyone. 

Audiobook or Physical? I have the Kindle version, which was pretty easy to read. There is an audiobook out now, too. I'm not sure with just one narrator how good it will be, but I am interested in listening to it. 

If any animals are abused, die, or are killed in this book: There is a rabbit named Alice that is kept as a pet but then butchered and eaten in a scene that was so painful to read I was very upset that this animal was in this story just to act as a sacrifice. 

Extras: Multiple POV's 
