Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata


I was not prepared for how good this book was it was such a satisfying read, especially with it being so short. I felt we knew Furukara. She was so interesting, and I loved that she treated the convenience store almost as a religion. If you are looking for something a little different but very good, I would definitely give this a read.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: Standalone

Genre: Fiction

Tropes: Happiness in the Simple Life, Slice of Life, Mundane Made Awesome, Marriage of Convenience 

Things I liked: Very satisfying read. It was an excellent palette cleaner! It was pretty easy to relate to the main character for me. it's hard and unsatisfying to fit into the little boxes that society has set up for us. 

Things I disliked: I really felt for Furukara, I also did not understand why she couldn't just keep doing the job she loved. She was so fulfilled in her life until people started butting into her life.

Audiobook or Physical? Audiobook was very good! I loved Nancy Wu's narration for this story! 

Extras: Furukara's POV
