A Breath Too Late by Rocky Callen


I absolutely devoured this book. The story was compelling while also being touching. I will say this book deals with a lot of heavy subjects, which the author does address before even starting the story. So make sure you do what's best for your mental health before picking up this jem of a read. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars 

Part of a series or Standalone: Standalone 

Genre: YA Fiction 

Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Ghost, Memories, No Going Back, Abusive Father, Butterfly Effect, Letting Out A Breath I Didn't Realize I Was Holding

Things I liked: The romance in this one was so beautiful! I'm specifically talking about Ellie and August. The scenes with both of them were so sweet. 

The whirlwind of emotions in this book was so intense. It was amazing how well the author could not only tell us but show us the devotion these people had for Ellie.

The book does a really good job of hammering home how precious life is and how we affect people in ways we don't realize. 

Things I disliked: The idea of a ghost looking at the events unfolding after her death was a bit much, I definitely would have liked it if we had more from everyone else, for example everyones point of view leading up to her suicide and then the absence of Ellie's point of view would have been intense as the book continues with everyone elses points of view. It was just a little too convenient at times how much Ghost Ellie could figure out watching her loved ones after. While I'm well verse to supernatural happenings in books since paranormal romance is one of my favorite genres, I fear this will make a lot of readers reluctant to follow through with this book. 

Audiobook or Physical? Audiobook made this a really quick read. The performance that Imani Jade Powers gives us is truly life changing. 

Extras: Ellie's POV 
