Mistborn:The Final Empire Book Club Discussion Questions


The Book Detectives are on another case! We are exploring the first book in the Mistborn trilogy. I will share here the questions I create each week for our group to discuss. Use any of these questions if your own bookclubs! Remember there will be spoilers in these questions!

Prolong to Chapter 3

1. Do the skaa and the way they are treated make you uncomfortable? 

2. Kelsier is a traveler who goes from plantation to plantation sharing news. Why do the nobles continue to let him do this? Does it make sense to you that the other skaa would be so welcoming of him since he doesn't contribute to their work? 

3. Do you think it's good that Kelsier forced those skaa to become rebels?

4. Vin has a really interesting power, which she calls Luck. Do you think this description is accurate? Or should it have a different name?

5. There's a lot of symbolism with the ashes covering the city walls and even outside the city. What exactly do you think the author is trying to convey?

6. Vin's brother Reen left the city and her. With a large debt to pay off. Do you think Camon will actually let her go one day?

7. Theres a lot of thieving crews in the city Luthadel, the city is built upon backstabbing and heists. What do you think of the way these citizens choose to live? Or do you think they are forced into this way of life due to poor living conditions?

8. We get introduced to the basics of magic in this world. What do you think of the characters using metals as the fuel of their powers? 

Chapter 3 to Chapter 5

1. Do you think its odd that Vin didn't want to run away alone? Especially since she was so worried about being betrayed.

2. We find out what a Mistborn is! Are you surprised that the Allomancers either have one or all the powers available to them?

3. The misting crew seems to be more tight knit than the crew that Vin was originally a part of, do you think their abilities make it easier for them to trust each other since they can defend themselves or is there something else that makes them so close?

4. The crew is going to be taking on a huge job, helping the skaa rebellion rally an army and take over the palace. How can such a small crew do such a big job?

5. What did you think of the point Ham was trying to make about Breeze's power? Is he controlling people if he influences their emotions so heavily? 

6. Kelsier has many legends around him, after hearing his plan and a bit more about his past do you think these legends are true?

7. What did you think of the members of this crew? Do you have any favorites based on what we have seen so far?

Chapter 5 to Chapter 9

1. Clubs comes back to accept the job, but not for the money. What do his actions tell us about his character?

2. The Hazekillers attack Kelsier in a big group, do you think this group was effective? 

3. Was Kelsier's solo mission to get more atium rash? Or did he seem to have everything under control?

4. Vin is not use to being comfortable or safe even, do you find it sad that the young people have to struggle so much growing up in Luthadel? 

5. The main group making the plans, will all be living in the same place. What did you think of their second planning session, where they were discussing the problems and potential solutions?

6. Vin's main job will be to go under cover as a noblewoman to keep up will all the politics and news. Do you think shes a good fit for this job?

7. What do we think of Marsh? Was he right when he said this whole plan is just all about Kelsier's want for revenge?

8. Kelsier starts to teach Vin about their powers, how are you liking the power explanations? Do they make sense or would you change them?

9. Is Kelsier a good teacher? Would you want him teaching you how to use your Mistborn powers?

10. Mistwraiths are real, what does such a creatures existence tell us about the world?

11. Do you think there is some trust being built between Kelsier and Vin? 

12. Sazed is going to teach Vin to be a noblewoman, are you excited to see how Vin does with these lessons?

Chapter 9 to 11

1. Kelsier has been training Vin to use her Mistborn powers, Vin says using her powers feels "right". What does this tell us about her?

2. Sazed is trying to get Vin to convert to a religion that hasn't been worshipped in over a thousand years, revealing that his is a Keeper. Do you think the Keepers a nesscary? Or that new religions will naturally be made when the Lord Ruler is defeated?

3. Vin is a fast learner but Kelsier is concerned she won't be ready, do you think this is a valid concern? Especially when they have so little options.

4. Vin is sent to Breeze to learn from the best Soother, did you agree with his lesson? That manipulation is something people naturally do?

5. Ham's question was interesting, do you think by destroying the Empire they are doing something good or something bad?

6. What did you think of Breeze's operation? 

7. Why do you think its such a big deal that the Ministry has found where they had their first meeting? 

Chapter 11 to 13

1. A whole crew and leaders were murdered, the leaders were tortured as well. Do you think they know Kelsier is back and that's why the messages with the deaths is so strong? 

2. Kelsier seems confident that Camon knew about Vin being at least a Misting, do you think this is likely? Would Camon have guessed she was a Mistborn?

3. How do you think Vin's first outing as a noblewoman went?

4. Do you think the Deepness is real and if so what is it? Does Kelsier's group run the risk of setting it free if they defeat the Lord Ruler? 

5. Vin saw her father at this party! Were you surprised to learn that Reen had shown her who her real father was at one point?

6. Oohh does Vin have a crush on this Lord Elend? Why didn't finding out his real identity scare Vin?

7. Is Vin right to insert herself into Kelsier's business? 

8. Burning Atium let's you see slightly into the future and be able to react to what you see easily. Do you think the 10th metal lives up to its hype? 

Chapters 14 thru 18

1. Kelsier and Vin get some face to face time with the Steel Inquisitors. What did you think of them now that we got to see a bit more of them?

2. Vin and Kelsier escaped the building they snuck into. Based on what we saw of the building, what do you think it was used for? Was it only housing HazeKillers and Steel Inquisitors, or was it some place of worship as well?

3. Sazed was the one to find and save Vin from the building, not only was he able to escape the Steel Inquisitor easily he has an amazing ability to heal. He said he needed to rest afterwards, was his sudden appearance surprising to you?

4. Vin spends over two weeks recovering in bed, in most crews she would have been left to die. She expresses to Kelsier that they aren't invincible, do you think this was a fair statement given how Kelsier got away with just stratches?

5. Sazed and Vin have a conversation about his people, we learn they are very carefully breed and trained however still find ways to rebel. Why do you think that is?

6. Vin has to act as a noblewomen full time now, why do you think this job is so boring/difficult for her?

7. It seems most likely that Mare was the one who betrayed Kelsier but he still loves her anyways. Why would she betray him, when she wanted things to be like before the Ascension?

8. What did we think of Vin's second ball? 

Chapter 19 thru 21

1. Kelsier meets with both an informant and Lord Venture, what did you think of the differences between the interactions?

2. Kelsier talks about a secret plan he has, what do you think his plan most likely is?

3. Vin shares what she found about Elend which makes Kelsier want to execute the boy. Will the fact that Vin has feelings for him influence Kelsier's actions?

4. Vin seems to be liking her new life as a noblewoman now that she's gotten used to it. Do you think this will effect her ability to help the rebellion?

5. Her training session with Marsh was interesting, are you surprised such a lowly metal can do so much?

6. We learned a bit more about Vin's past. Do you think Reen told her the truth about these events? 

7. Is Kelsier's growing fame a good or bad thing for the rebellion?

8. Does changing Ham out for Yeden as the leader of the rebel army a good idea? Wouldn't they stand a better chance with Ham training them longer or at least training Yeden to lead them?

9. What was the purpose of the duel Kelsier had the members of the army fight? 

Chapter 22 thru 28

1. Learning that the Terrismen are Feruchemists, was really interesting. Did you like that there's also a complimentary power to Allomancy? 

2. Vin and Dockson talk a little about his past, working on a plantation. This conversation seems to remind her why they need the information only she can get for the group. Do you think her views will be swayed again? 

3. Vin opens up to Elend about how the skaa are the same as the nobles. He seems like he's an honest person, do you trust that what he told Vin is the truth? 

4. Kelsier is back now! He catches Vin spying on the little group of noblelings, do you think the group can actually manage chance since they are from some important houses or is it just talk like Kelsier was telling Vin it was?

5. Vin got a little time to talk to Ham, about his family, his powers and the choices he's made did anything stand out to you about their conversation? 

6. Yeden exposed their army early, is Kelsier really the one to blame? Or is he just being a good leader by taking the responsibility? 

7. We learn that Vin's father is actually the head of the Ministry, the Lord Prelan who ranks even above the Inquisitors. Does it make sense that her father would be so important?

8. Kell revels what we have suspected that the job was just a front. He really wants to make changes, are you impressed that Kelsier can pivot his plans so easily?

9. Vin burned gold for the first time, what did you think of this metals power? What do you think it could be capable of if someone took the time to study it?

10. Marsh has given up everything of his old life to infiltrate the Ministry. What did you think of the information he shared with Vin and Kelsier?

11. Do you think Elend is a Mistborn? When he mentioned his ring being 100% gold, it felt like he knew that was a metal that most Allomancers ignore.

12. What did you think of the perspective shift to Elend? Do you like him more or less now? 

Chapter 29 thru 31

1. The Lord Ruler's last entry seemed like he wanted to fall into obscurity, what do you think changed that made him end up as a God instead?

2. Marsh sent a map of the Soothing stations throughout Luthadel that also had dates of raids on thieving crews. Why did Marsh take such a great risk sending the map? 

3. Do you think their plan to take out the Soothing stations is a good one? Wouldn't that revel Marsh as a spy?

4. Vin hasn't shared what she learned about House Venture with Kelsier and the crew. Her actions later on show that she won't hesitate to protect Elend, how does this effect her allegiance to Kelsier and his crew?

5. At the last ball nobody would talk to Vin, did you find it odd they still insisted on appearing when they were all in danger due to the impending House wars? 

6. Shan Elariel is a Mistborn, did this come as a total surprise? Why was Vin able to beat Shan with just a few months of training?

7. Does Vin make a good point when she said that Kelsier and his crew are basically noblemen, since they don't really live how most skaa have to live?

8. Elend finds out that Vin is skaa, how do you think all this will effect their future interactions? He doesn't even know she saved his life, will he learn about that too? 

Chapter 32 thru 34

1. Do you agree with what Vin said about trust? Is it just a self delusion? 

2. What did you think of Marsh's death? Were you expecting him to die sooner or be able to avoid getting caught all together? 

3. Kelsier destorys the pits of Hathsin why do you think he waited so long to do this?

4. It looks like House Renoux has been found out. Were you impressed by Kelsier and his crews lack of hesitation when they started free prisoners? 

5. During Kelsier's fight, Elend is saved by Kelsier. Do you think Kelsier will regret doing this in the future?

6. What did you think of Kelsiers and the Lord Rulers encounter? 

Chapter 35 to End 

1. After everything thats happened in the book are you surprised that Ham keeps wondering if evil really exists. Don't you think there's been enough evidence of it?

2. Sazed was telling Vin that belief or faith isn't just for fair times and fair weather, do you agree with him?

3. Kelsier spent a lot of effort in keeping his real plans secret from the crew. Was this really nesscary?

4. What did you think of the fates of Vin's blood relations?

5. Do we like Elend a lot more now? 

6. There's a lot of fight scenes in this book, did you like the way they were written did you feel like you were part of the action?

7. What did you think of Marsh's return?

8. Knowing the truth about the Lord Ruler do a lot of things make sense now? Were you surprised by the revel?

9. Overall how did you feel about the book? Would you read it again?
